The 5 best habits to adopt from the Spanish

We love Spain for its incredible landscapes, its grandiose history, its architectural heritage, and its flamenco rhythms... But also for its absolutely charming habits, which we should all take inspiration from. 

Here are 5 habits to borrow from the Spanish during your road trip in Spain, and for the rest of your life. 

#1. Tapas 

Table of tapas in Spain
Spanish tapas table

A staple of Spanish tables, tapas constitute a convivial and gourmet habit. These bites can be presented as fried foods, on toasts, skewered, or in little casseroles. 

Seasoned olives, raw ham, fried eggplants with honey (our favorite), cheese croquetas, patatas bravas with spicy sauce... It's a charming culinary universe that awaits you.

The variety of tapas changes according to the region. In the Basque Country, for example, they are called pintxos and incorporate local products such as Idiazabal cheese, Ibarra peppers, and fish from the Cantabrian Sea. 

Spanish gastronomy, beyond tapas, is very inspiring. Its colors and flavors, quintessentially Mediterranean, are ideal for a festive and delicious table


#2. The siesta! 

Cat on a building ramp in Spain sleeping
A cat taking a siesta

Undoubtedly the most famous of Spanish habits, the siesta is intrinsically linked to the climate of the Iberian Peninsula. The hot afternoons make work too arduous, and the body naturally takes a “break”.

The entire country lives at this pace: businesses close and the streets empty. Life resumes later, in the late afternoon or early evening, when temperatures are milder. 


#3. The terraces 

Terraces in Spain in summer
Terraces in Spain

It’s easy when you live in a country bathed in sunlight, you might say... And yes, in Spain, terraces are king

Around the corner of an alley, one discovers a small “plaza” dotted with tables and chairs just waiting to welcome us. We then settle in for a timeless break, chatting, enjoying a “cerveza” or a “sangria”... Moderately, of course! 

To toast, we clink glasses with a loud “¡Salud!” or opt for the more complete version: “Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro” (up, down, to the center, and inside). 


#4. The warmth of exchanges

Warm meeting in Spain between two ladies
In Spain, physical contact is natural and benevolent

Kissing and hugging are very common during Spanish reunions. Physical contact is natural and benevolent, and the embraces testify to the warmth of hearts and minds. 

In conversations, participation is enthusiastic, interjecting more often than not, gesturing. Interrupting becomes almost a way of life! The noise level sometimes rises, that’s perfectly normal: we love to live, to enjoy the moment.

Here, everything is about sharing. Gestures, words, glances, but most of all the smiles set the warm and festive atmosphere that you will enjoy in Spain.


#5. The Sobremesa 

Five friends around a table in Spain
The Sobremesa

Here’s a concept we readily subscribe to: the sobremesa, literally the “over-table”. Imagine a good moment of sharing, rather informal and relaxed, that follows a meal with your guests. After dessert, you linger at the table, serve coffee or some digestives, relax, and discuss everything under the sun... It's as simple as that! 

The sobremesa is the quintessential moment of sharing, where tongues are loosened effortlessly and listening becomes more attentive. A simple, authentic tradition, which highlights the human element. Worth trying on a journey for beautiful encounters.


So, which habit are you going to adopt first during your Andalusian vacations? Let us know in the comments area below!

Lola Linard

As far as I can remember, I have always been attracted to movement and trips. I travel the world with child eyes and a great pleasure. After 3 years and multiple road trips in North America, I happily share my experience with Authentik’s readers.


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