Cancellation Protection


  • Illness, accident or death of a family member or travelling companion (including relapse or deterioration of a pre-existing condition);
  • Serious damage to your home or workplace;
  • Medical contraindication and / or complications following vaccination;
  • Serious damage to your vehicle;
  • Accident or breakdown of your means of transport;
  • Termination of employment on economic grounds;
  • Summons to re-sit a university examination.


Effective date and expiry date

Coverage begins as soon as the Cancellation Insurance premium is paid.

Coverage ends upon the Guest's arrival in Canada, or at the time of provision of the first service purchased through Authentik World.

Cancellation Insurance cannot be reimbursed or cancelled once the premium has been paid.


Nature of the coverage

This coverage provides full reimbursement of the cost of the travel services purchased through Authentik Canada, after deduction of the price of the cancellation insurance.


Policy limit

Compensation provided to the Guest is limited to the cancellation fee due on the date of the occurrence of the covered event, up to 100% of the total amount paid by the Guest to Authentik World minus the price paid for purchasing the cancellation insurance.



The Guest is covered in the event of:

  • Illness or serious accident (or death) of a close family member or travelling companion (including relapse or worsening of a pre-existing condition). Close family member is understood to mean grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, spouse, child or grandchild;
  • Depression or mental, nervous or emotional disorders requiring hospitalization for more than 4 consecutive days;
  • Medical contraindication;
  • Medical complications following vaccination;
  • Termination of employment on economic grounds, provided that said termination was not known at the time of purchasing the trip;
  • Professional transfer forcing the Guest to move home during the period of the trip, provided that said transfer was not known at the time of purchasing the trip;
  • A summons set for a date that falls within the period of the insured trip, and which is obligatory, unforeseen and cannot be postponed, for one of the following reasons:
    * Summons for the adoption of a child;
    * Summons to appear in court as a witness or to serve on a jury;
    * Summons for an organ transplant;
  • Serious damage to your home (fire, flood...);
  • Damage to your vehicle (accident resulting in a total loss or major repair ...);
  • Accident or breakdown of air transport (excluding strikes or flight cancellation by the airline company - see "Exclusions" below);
  • Cancellation for any of the events listed above, by one or more persons having purchased the same trip at the same time as the Guest if, as a result of said cancellation, the Guest must travel alone or with only one travelling companion.



  • Any accident or illness that was diagnosed, relapsed, deteriorated or required treatment or hospitalization between the date of booking the trip and the date on which this cancellation coverage was taken out;
  • Mental, nervous or emotional disorders requiring hospitalization for 4 consecutive days or less;
  • Positive test for Covid-19 before your arrival, for you, or one of the travelers in your file;
  • Dû to Covid-19, obligation to self-isolate before your arrival for you, or one of the guests in the trip;
  • Separation or divorce of guests participating in the trip;
  • Voluntary interruption of pregnancy and any sequelae or complications arising therefrom;
  • Cancellation due to a regular periodic examination or check-up;
  • Cancellation following failure to obtain a vaccination;
  • Natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics or phenomena beyond our control (e.g. earthquake, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, Coronavirus, SARS,  influenza, border closures, etc.);
  • Air travel: any delay or missed connecting flight due to adverse weather conditions, strike by the airline company or the airport, refusal at customs, a terrorist act or any other unforeseeable cause affecting the flight schedule;
  • Civil or foreign war, civil disorder or unrest, rioting, acts of terrorism.


What to do in the event of cancellation

  • Immediately inform Authentik World by writing, except in fortuitous cases or cases of force majeur, of the impossibility of taking the trip;
  • In the letter, indicate your name and address, contract number and the motive for the cancellation (illness, professional problems, etc);
  • Provide any appropriate documentation (e.g. medical certificates) that officially explains the cause of your trip cancellation;
  • Provide any other information and original documents requested.

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