Can I cancel my reservation?

Yes, it is possible to cancel your trip reservation but the following charges will apply:

FREE cancellation up to 72 hours after booking

  • Between 72 hours after booking and 61 days or more before departure: 20% of the total value of the trip
  • 60 to 46 days before departure: 25% of the total value of the trip
  • 45 to 15 days before departure : 50% of the total value of the trip
  • Less than 15 days before departure: 100% of the total value of the trip



You can avoid these charges by purchasing Authentik cancellation protection.

Note that the cost of the cancellation protection will not be refunded in the event of cancellation. All other amounts paid for the trip are fully refunded.

Cancellation protection must be purchased within 72 hours after reserving your trip (i.e. after paying the deposit of 20%). To purchase, simply tick this option while reserving on line or contact your travel specialist by email or phone.


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